
Best Strategy For This Fight?

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Some how, I've ended up in a fight tonight. I am 5-foot-11, 170 pounds. The kid I'm fighting is a year younger than me (13), about 100 pounds, and about 5-foot-9. I don't want to seriously hurt this kid, just put him in his place, because I don't want to have to deal with police or lawsuits or anything following the fight. What's the most effective strategy going into this fight? (Sorry, I didn't know where else to ask this question.)




  1. I agree with the last post.You dont need to stand tall,you dont need to prove anything.If you turn up to fight all it proves is you are a fool.If you get some ribbing ok live with it.Only fight when there is no other way.Then fight to win.Just remember though  more and more kids are carrying knives so any height,weight,age advantage has gone.Dont become a statistic.

  2. Hit him in areas of his body that would not cause permanent injury but deliver maximum pain.  You can easily end a fight with one hit, but you have to make that hit count.  If you're not trained in fighting, then I suggest you strike with the base of your palm/wrist so you don't risk breaking it.  A good target is the sternum, I doubt you are able to hit it hard enough to break it.  It has no tissue protecting that area, so you can really make him feel it.  Second area are the shins, a quick low kick should disable him very quickly.  If you feel you want to go for a higher kick, go for the upper thigh, where the quadracep muscle is.  You will need descending blow with your shin.  Remember that whether you choose to use your hands or your feet, your power will come from your hips.  Don't act like a bozo and stand there and trash talk and expect people to hold you back.  Just go in and do your business and get out.  Good luck.

  3. wrestle him to the ground, then give him indian burns or grind his face in the ground. treat like a younger brother.

  4. Your 14? You need to be a the adult in this situation and not fight at all.  Me tkd teacher says "nobody wins in a fight" and its true.  Even if you "win" you might get hurt or even get in trouble.

  5. the best way to win a fight for sure is to not fight at all. i agree with that.  never agree to fight someone...never ever meet them in the park or something...thats not what martial arts teaches people.

    truly...if you've already had the fight, what good does it to dwell on it? do you think it's going to happen again? or do you just want to learn from your experience?

    hit him with palm strikes helps...they will "take him out" court you could say you didnt want to hit him with your fist because you didnt want to hurt him.

    dont go any further than you have to, no sense in beating him to a pulp. hit him in the solar plexus or groin and the fight will be over...then leave.

    again, as someone already said...just dont go.

    a friend of mine used to tell people...ok go out to the corner, ill be out in a minute...if i dont show up...start without me. lol

  6. If you feel the fight is inevitable don't be afraid to throw the first punch.

  7. The Best strategy for going in, is to not go in at all. Trust me, My friends have been in fights before and 99.99999% of the time they were caught. its just not worth it. Be the better MAN.

  8. don't go into any fight trying to 'go easy on a guy'

    If you are determined to fight, the strategy is fight as hard as you can.

    You do not want to be part of the other guys stories about "how he once whupped a guy a year older who was 70 lbs heavier" Don't laugh it happens all the time. I did it to older kids myself.

    Famous last words are"gee I thought he was going to be a push over"..

    If he turns out to be very easy and weak then you can look at  going easy during the fight and grabbing him, but not before.

    a few good punches and kicks or take downs won't kill him. go hard first and back off if you have to.

  9. your under 18 kick his *** and dont worry bout it!

    edit: dont make punking out a habit. you have to fight when you are a kid it teaches you how to handle situations better when your are adult. dont start no **** but dont take no ****!

  10. hmmm well stand tall knock him out lol

  11. If you don't want to deal with any trouble afterward, dont fight him. There is almost always trouble after the fight.

    Your strategy should be to not fight him at all. I don't know how the fight got started, but going head to head over something (that is normally a pointless thing to fight over if you think about it, because, let me guess, he called you a name and it hurt your feelings) is never what you should do.  You can try to go with a certain strategy, but most real life fights never go according to plan, and most of the time, it ends up being something that the people involved regret because someone gets hurt (whether it's their pride, or a serious physical injury).

    Of course, you are probably thinking that I dont need some one preaching to me about morals over the internet and you are probably going to fight him anyway.

  12. Theres Many ways to settles this, the way to choose to settle it is up to you. but a few choices id have in mind are:

    1] U just talk it out and tell him how stupid it is to fight, maybe even say u guys could get in trouble for fighting.

    2] If he hits just grab the body part his hitting with and use his force to take him to the ground or u could even use pain compliance and bend the ligament to make him not want to fight.

    3] Dodge all of his attacks or at least a few just until he get winded and cant do anymore.

    4] Keep throwing him to the floor.

    5] maybe one good punch, showing him the hes really not invincible, and that he can feel pain will make him stop.

    but in reality a number of people if u pursade them with the right words, will come to an agreement of not fighting. Just be carful because no one fights fair these days, he may have some trick up his sleave or even friends, im not saying everyone does that its just a majority do, doesnt matter if their young or old. Hope this helped at least. Good luck on ur decision.

  13. This could be embrassing for you if you lose.

    I suggest you find an alternative method to deal with us. Fighting is not the answer.

    Don't be the one to throw the first punch,,,,, but wait him to.

    *Most people of right handed, so he will throw a right, watch for it,

    *If he tries to kick you , grab his leg, lift high and step towards him, using your closest leg to trip his other leg and fall on top of him.

    Grab his clothes at his shoulder heighth, and throw him to the ground

  14. Don't aim for the face.

    While it's a really effective place to hit, hits to the face tend to leave evidence (bruises, broken nose, black eyes) that are more easily noticed than bruises hidden by clothing or that can be passed off as an accidental/sport injury.

    I don't know if this kid you're facing knows how to fight (my guess is if he takes martial arts, it's Tae Kwon Do, which requires distance and is known for its kicks), but you weight 70 lbs more than him.  Use that and close in and keep close.  If possible take it to the ground and hold him down (watch out for his friends).

  15. Well try communicating your thoughts to this kid verbally first.  There's no sense in fighting if you're not in a "true physical harm" dire straights.  If it does become a bully contest though a simple good-bye will do I'm sure.  If the kid presses the issue don't attack the dude. let him make the mistake of attacking you first.  Remember self-defense is "reactive" man never used to attack with.  At your age the worse that's gooing to happen is a couple of scratches and maybe a black eye at worse case senario.  The most effective strategy is to always allow your opponent to make mistakes and then take advantage of them should he all out attack you.  This means keep your head calm and don't panic no matter what the out come.  The rest is up to you, but only if you're attacked flat out.  

    Note: why even go near where this kid's going to be?  why not just steer clear of him?  Meeting a person to fight some where sounds like a set up for a jumping.  I don't know any one that would put their self in that type of situation dude.  If it were me I'd hang out else where far away from some one who was just out to try to bully me or strong arm me.  Just a thought.....

    Edit: A thumbs down.....of course........ thanks for the thumps down though.  I guess if I would have said "split his head open with a beer bottle til his brains hang out of his head"  that would have been better advice in the eyes of total idiots huh?

  16. Ha ha ha ha ha

    You "have to" go fight, but you have time to analyze your strategy and ask a question on the internet.

    Grow up.  Don't show up.  Otherwise, you've already lost.

  17. Unless your life or someone else's in in danger, avoid the fight.  You never know if he's going to do something like pull a knife or bring a couple of big friends to even the odds.  We had a guy here who was punched, fell backward and hit his head on a curb then died.  Weird stuff happens in fights and none of it is ever good.

  18. just hold him and tell him you dont want to fight

    and walk away but if he tries to attack you from behind ,then let him hit you and then whop his a**

  19. well i know a really good martial arts moves i learnt in my classes but im sorry theyre only supposed too be used in self defense not petty fights like this im the 13 the same age as this kid younger than you and i and any of my frends could beat up a 14 year old bigger than us or not,knowing martial arts or not so dont think your gonna win cos hes smaller and younger than you because that isnt the case the case is how good he is at e.g timing and catching you off guard.


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