
Best TEAM USA lineup?

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What would our current olympics teams best lineup be?

G.Paul/Williams - Paul and Williams have proved to be the future of TEAM USA, and I haven't seen Kidd do anything better than either of these two.

G. Bryant/Wade - Kobe is our best defender, Wade has been our best scorer.

F. James/Redd - LeBron is LeBron. simple as that, and Redd to make them pay for doubling any of our beasts.

F. Bosh/Anthony - Bosh has been extremely effective the last 3 games, leading us in rebounds and imposing his will down low.

C. Howard/Chandler - not sure if Chandler is still on the team, but at least chandler might be able to make a layup every once in a while, unlike boozer. Howard is Howard, and the frontline of him and bosh is deadly. inside dominance is the only reason why anthony shouldnt start.




  1. everybody at their natural positions pretty much so i say we should do it.

  2. Duncan KG Amare Howard LBJ TMAC Kobe Wade Paul Deron Shaq (Ray)Allen

  3. This is defiantly one of the best lineups  we have had in a long time and as the road to redemption says this team should take home the gold. but  i would have to say that it would be a very good competition between this team and the dream team led by MJ.
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