
Best Training Device?

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I am a decent pool player and can pocket balls fine but would like to find a tool/device that can help me fine tune my english and ability to improve my leaves. Any suggestions?




  1. Searching for a "device" to instantly fix you game is about like the guy that buys 1 cue after another looking for magic.

    The only "magic" is practice...perfect practice.

    Forget about devices and go hire a certified instructor who can help perfect your practice.



  2. The best tool is practice.  Read up on it, and practice, practice practice.  Good luck!

  3. I just answered a similar question but I think my answer applies to you.

    "There are a few things you can do to get started.

    Purchase a book by Robert Byrne titled Standard Book of Billiards and Pool. It's an invaluable source of knowledge for anyone ranging from a novice to a well seasoned player.

    Find a local pool hall and ask around to see who the best shooters are. WATCH them play and you'll find some common denominators in their styles. The typically stay down after they shoot their shot and they don't move until all the balls have stopped moving, even it the shot is going to be bad or a ball isn't going to be pocketed. They shoot soft with a nice fluid stroke. You will seldom see them hammer the cue ball and if they do it's because there's good reason for it.

    Once you find out who the better players are, ask them to engage in a game with you. The better players will be reluctant at first if they know you're a novice player but believe me when I say that they are also egotistical and will be more than happy to show what they know to a captive audience. Just ask ME! :)

    The upside to all of this is that you can learn the rules and fundamentals of the game in a week-end.

    The downside to your quest is that it will take you the rest of your natural life to keep learning and honing and perfecting your skills. But the reward at the end of the proverbial rainbow will be worth every minute of time you spend at the table".

    I hope this helped. Good luck!

  4. Their is no mech "Tool" that will help just Practice diffrent spin shots at diff power levels and get the best stroke for the shot

    Read a few books to get the idea but it is a hands on thing and will not happen over night or 1 practice session at the table
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