
Best Tribe called Quest track..?

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Best Tribe called Quest track..?




  1. I think when you look at the way the fused Hip Hop with Jazz these were probably some of the best they produced as it was new but has stood the test of time.

    Bonita Applebum

    Can I Kick It

    I Left My Wallet in El Segundo


    Check the Rhime

    Electric Relaxation

  2. Almost all the songs from Midnight Marauders and early are bomb tracks...

    Bonita Applebum

    Luck Of Lucien

    Check The Rhime

    Eletric Relaxation

    Award Tour

    Lyrics To Go

    8 Million Stories


    We Can Get Down


    Jazz (We've Got It)


    Can I Kick It?

    and so many more

    The Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders is were it's at!

  3. Can I kick it?.....classic!!

  4. i love Buggin Out but as for the best i would rate

    We got the Jazz

    Scenario +(R)

    Award Tour

    Sucka (N)igga

    Scenario is kinda cheating as Busta helps them along....... but it is the essential definition of Tribe

  5. Scenario, or Date Rape.

  6. Bonita Applebum

    I left my wallet in El Segundo


    Oh My God

    Can I Kick It

    Just a few of my favorites.

  7. Soooo many classic

    But "1nce again" means the most to me

  8. buggin out and electric relaxtion

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