
Best Used Ski's for under 150 bucks??

by Guest61665  |  earlier

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I'm trying to get some nice used ski's that I can use about once or twice a month and i'm about an intermediate beginner type person. Any good ski's or packages that are used that I can know of because it would hepl. I'm am shooting for about 150 bucks to spend on anything. I need your help. And btw, i dont want anything to fancy because they are only for skiing once in awhile, (just so i have skis so i can go up with people and ski)




  1. I would look on eBay at the end of this season. Typically stores will sell off their demo skis and surprisingly enough, they end up on eBay quite often. Talk to your local ski shop about your current level of skiing, what kind of terrain you like to ski, and what your skiing aspirations are and they will be able to give you a few different brand and models to look for. Also, get their advice on the correct length in each different ski. Then just go to ebay and look up those specific brand, models and lengths.

    Good luck and watch out skiing is addictive!

  2. definitely ebay. i get my ski's there all the time

  3. Rent your ski's for the season at a ski store. You can get them oufitted and get good ski's for cheap. Then when you get good and are ready to start commiting more, you will know what to buy and what you like.

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