
Best Vodka to drink straight up?????

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I think grey goose, Ketle One, Absoulte, Stolichnaya, is good to drink it straight up.....what do you guys think?????? and is Smirnoff that bad? alot of people do not like the taste of it...why is that?




  1. Absolute I'll drink to that.

  2. I'd say rasberry smirnoff. I like the taste.Also Stoli,that's pretty good.

  3. Smirnoff is what I was brought up on, but Blue Feather is a vodka we sell well in my parents' store (here in Georgia) as well as a Canadian vodka called Polar Ice. Blue Ice is the most lovely vodka we have, because of the bottle. :)

  4. Grey Goose would be my vote

  5. Grey goose with cran or smirnoff the pink one. chilled is a key to it tasting better.

  6. Monopolova for the purists. It's actually a potato vodka and doesn't have any fru-fru flavorings in it like Grey Goose.

    Try it chilled or in a Martini. Or a Gimlet. Pretty much any way is good.

  7. Grey Goose & stoli are the best.

  8. Grey Goose soo smoooothhhh! ^_^  

  9. LEAVE IT......... COCONUT  DRINK.............LOL            

  10. grey goose is really good

    but when i went camping with my brother and his friends, we made watermelon vodka. get a seedless watermelon, cut a hole at the top of it [make it pretty deep], put any vodka you want [we put peach vodka] let it soak for a few hours and it tastes great!!

  11.'s a Polish potato vodka. When I was in Paris, we drank it by the water glass in the evening...after traveling around the city fixing equipment in the daytime. I LOVED it.

  12. Grey Goose is probably the best. Ciroc is pretty good.

  13. absolute or grey goose with a shot of cranberry juice is good

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