
Best Way To Handle A $30 Medical Bill Debt on Credit Report???

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I pulled my yearly credit report last week and found out that I had a $30 debt from a collection agency as part of a surgery that I had last year. I called the collection agency, and they said they had sent 3 notices, but apparently they were to my old address and I never received them even with mail forwarding (and I told them about other problems Ive had with other mail not getting to me). I want to make good on the debt, but I also requested them to take the negative item off my credit in lieu of full payment since I just found out about it (I know its not much to their bottom line, but if theyre willing to do it for larger amounts). They said there was no way it could be done unless it was error or some catastrophe situation. They have the power to remove the item, and I told them that. I told them the address was erroneous, but they argued that it was valid at the time of service (although I was in transition). In ending I told them I wasn't paying. How should I handle this?




  1. Send them a certified, return receipt letter.  Specifically say "this is not an acknowledgment of the debt but an attempt to expedite remove of the item from my credit file."  Offer to pay the $20 (yeah, I know that's less but they should have taken your first offer) in exchange for the item being removed from your credit report.  Request an authorized agent of the collection agency sign and return a copy of your letter to indicate acceptance of this settlement offer.  Put lines at the bottom for signature, date, and print name.

    If they send you a signed copy, pay them.  I'm really surprised they refused your verbal offer.  It is very common for medical bills to be treated in this manner.

    If they don't accept your written offer, let it sit and stew for about 6 months and send another offer for only $10.

    While this is a derogatory item, it really won't have a huge impact on your score and would only be a problem if you were applyling for a mortgage ... maybe.

  2. Have them agree to a pay for delete in it and make sure they delete it @ the credit bureau.

  3. I'd dispute it with the credit bureaus. If they are too dumb to accept a pay for deletion agreement on such a small amount, then maybe they are too dumb to know how to answer a dispute.

    If they do answer the dispute, send them the sample letter cited in my source. Plug in your personal information and see if they bite on it.

  4. You can use credit repair agency to fix it - for example this one - - They can clean lots of such  bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster than yourself, so your credit will go up fast.

  5. I'd pay it...they are not going to remove it...I've tried that

    you can send the payment along with a letter explaing the incorrect address and that THEIR files should have been updated, you can also add a comment to your credit report saying you never received the bill....I hope they remove it for you

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