
Best Wedding Invitations Ideas..?

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I'm looking for a really unique idea for our wedding invitations. Because 99% of all wedding invitations nowadays are essentially writing on a piece of paper, i'd love something that's totally different and memorable (and doesn't cost a bundle!). I've heard of a few different ideas of invitations printed on fans, and even crystals... but neither of them really suit our wedding...

Our colours are black and white and we're doing things pretty formal with a bit of a crazy, fun streak throughout.

If you have any unique ideas, please share. Or just share the best invite you've received.

Much appreciated!




  1. I love the idea of wedding invitations which have flower seeds in them, that people can plant.

  2. Hi just saw a website with a selection of 30 excellent wedding invitations:

    I'm sure you will find some inspiration.

  3. I received one that was on a DVD which was nice. It had the invitation details printed on the front as well as a little video of the bride and groom explaining the details of the wedding throughout with them holding up signs to the camera. I guess the only problem would be to make sure that all your guests had access to a DVD player- I know they sent more traditional invitations to older relatives and those they knew would not have a DVD player. Printing the info on the front is also important- so you don't have to replay the DVD on the morning of the wedding to double check the details!

    Another idea would be to take a series of black and white photos of you and your fiance and print the invitations on these. You could even be holding signs in these photos that give the wedding information.

  4. I made invitation scrolls for my upcoming wedding. I have received many compliments on them and they didn't cost anymore than buying flat printed cards from an invite company. Here is what mine look like.

    I made a minor change to the cording and went with a very fine silver cord and used jewelry crimps to attach the cords to the dowel rod for a more finished look than tying them on as you will see in th pic.

    I like the idea of the DVD invite someone posted above.

    I have seen a message in a bottle done as well.

    You could also use small pieces of fabric and have your invite info embroidered on it, or even use white hankies to have your info embroidered or heat pressed on.

    Personally I think the best invites are ones that someone put great thought into with time and effort. Those mean much more than a commercial printer on white cardstock.

    Good Luck and happy invite planning!

  5. check out these crazy original invites - a dr seuss one even.

    there are other good ideas and they are all hand made do it yourselers so have a look around

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