
Best abdominal exercises?

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What is the best exercise for the abdominal region?(Hoping to gain some abs)

I go swimming/to the gym 3 times a week, and lift weights and powerball at home, I also use a Ab toning belt - but I'm struggling to find a decent abdominal exercise.

Situps/Crunches don't seem to work - I'm not feeling like my abs are being worked at. I guess I am doing them wrong.




  1. plank, sit up, crunch.

    The very best is the bicycle crunch because it works most of the abdominal muscles.

  2. Its not that you're doing the sit ups/crunches wrong. Those don't work as effectively as other exercises because you can only go one way, up. They only work like 2 muscle groups I think

    So you need to find exercises that make you curl your abs up and down. Maybe do some stuff on a chair where you can go up and backwards. The exercise ball can be a great tool to use

    Better yet, if you can get on a pole (like for doing pull ups) hang upside and try doing crunches/situps

  3. yes, you are doing them wrong. situps really don't do anything for your abs. do crunches, to get results you should do 300 a day (i had an actual ab trainer when i ran track.) my favorite crunches are the bicycles, also using the ball. a good way to tell if you're doing  them right is your abs should be shaking during your crunches. also maybe you're doing them too fast, slow it down for the first couple of reps them pick up the pace.

    the exercise ball is really amazing as well, sit on it then roll down so your lower back is just touching the ball and even just holding that will work your abs like crazy!

  4. The plank is the one for you.  You need to get into a press up position and put your elbows on the floor.  Then hold it for as long as possible and repeat 3 times,  that is the best for abs

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