
Best affordable camera?

by  |  earlier

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I really want a digital camera that can take pictures like professionals. Something like this.




  1. All of your answerer's are correct. Any point and shoot can duplicate those shots. I think the most important question for you is do you want a camera fully automated. You can get by with $100- to $130- On the other hand if you wish to learn a bit about photography and set your own shutter speed etc., you'll be spending about $140- and up. You don't mention how much you're spending. In general tiny cameras cost more and you get less for your money.

  2. those pictures dont look professional at all really, just get a little canon powershot. sony powershots have good picture quality too.

  3. those pics are far from professional ...

    you can get yourself a nice canon point and shoot in the 200$ range that can take better pics than that

  4. Looking at the pictures I can tell you that you don't need a'pro' camera to duplicate them. Professional type cameras ( digital) are very expensive and not a good buy for the average person. A professional has reason to spend the money to get the specialised features that sort of camera offers.

    However if you're determined you will need a few thousand dollars .

    On the other hand, there are lots of really good consumer type cameras nowadays priced anywhere from a couple hundred to say 1500 and they'll do a beautiful job for you.

    Some are simple point and press the button types ( point and shoot) and others ( SLRs) allow you to put different lenses on them along with a host of other accessories. You must decide where you want to go with your photography.

    Do you, for example, want the camera to do all the thinking for you so all you have to do is decide if the shot is what you want ( looking in the built in preview screen they all have ), and press the button, or do you want to "create " your own images by using different lenses, filters, flash assemblies, lighting arrangements etc., etc. -- the list is endless.

    most good point and shoot digital cameras today will give you results you only dreamed of in the past. And make excellent prints. If you only want to get standard 4x6 prints for example almost any unit will do. If you'd like to go to anything larger than 8x10 try and pick a camera with the highest megapixel rating you can afford.

    Stick to brand names and merchants you trust for service if you need it.

    Take the time to talk to a knowledgeable salesperson who'll try and match the camera to your needs.

  5. I had a cannon once and was really happy with it until we laid it down some where to have our picture made for just a sec and it was gone....So I Can Tell you it is one of the best Another of my favorites is the new Kodac video camera, we've had ours now for about a year and i;ve already made and developed around 3000.00 on JUST PICTURES and could'nt be happier... good luck on your cannnon. Sears sales both i do believe..                    Good Luck

  6. I was advised to stick with Nikon or Canon.  I was taken in very badly by a Kodak camera I purchased in Jan of this year.  I am still in dispute with the company after 3 times in their repair shop!  They want me to send it in again and I've refused.  They say even if they did replace it, it would only be with a re furbished camera.  This was a brand new camera when I bought it and I can tell you from experience, Kodak cameras and their guarantee  are not worth the plastic they are made of!!  Kodak does not stand behind any guarantee and I strongly advise against buying any of their cameras.

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