
Best age for having children?

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What do you think is the best time for a woman to have her first child? There's the problem with maturity when you're young and there's the problem with the decreasing quality of female egg cells as the woman grows older. There's also a higher risk of getting breast cancer if you have your first child after the age of 30. Yet so many girls think it isn't smart to have a baby before 30 and they're telling me i'm nuts for wanting a baby now. I'm 23 soon, and they say i should wait to become more mature. What the h**l? In the old days women used to have their first child at the age of 15...nobody even asked if they were mature enough or not.

So what do u think? Should a woman have the first baby while young or after the age of 30?




  1. I think the best age is when you are able to support one, emotionally and financially.

  2. I think you should be done with college and financially stable and ready for a baby. Usually this is between the ages of 25-30 for women but there is no "best" age obviously...I want my first baby when I'm 22 which is next year!

  3. Hopefully you will have someone who will respond who has had children both in their early 20's and in their early 30's  because that person will be able to give you the most incite full answer.  For each woman, man and couple it is different.  My husband and I chose to be ChildFree but there are plenty of people who will say have them early and have them late.  It's a personal decision.  If you feel you are financially responsible and capable of caring for and bringing up a competent citizen of the world FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE (because parenting doesn't stop once a child turns 18) then maybe the time is right for you.  Look at all your options first.  Good Luck to you.

  4. I think that you should start having kids when you have enough money to raise them and are married or getting married shortly or engaged. I want to have kids after college, so it depends on if you went and how much longer you have to go. I think 23 is fine, maybe 24 or 25. I want to have my first kid at 26-27, though. I want to have 4, 5, or 6 children ( i love kids)

  5. I have had 4 children. I believe that physically speaking your 20's is the best time to have your children. But maturity does weigh into it. That is on an individual basis. My first child was born when I was 20. I was married, and am still married ( to the same guy) I was one of the lucky few to have made it despite the statistics. I don't think your teen years are a good idea. Your body isn't even finished maturing. It takes the brain until early 20's to fully develop so one can make long term lasting decisions.

  6. Well that is a question that u should really ask yourself....u can have a baby whenever u feel u are ready...but u also need to know how to be a good mother...a lot of women can give birth but it takes a special women to be a good takes a lot to raise a child....there is a lot u will have to sacrifice.....ppl are havin kids at a young age now and honestly I don't think 23 is young because that's when my mom had me.....I hope i could help

  7. times change my mom had her first kid at 15 and so as all my aunt and uncles but she had me at 26 and her last at 28.....but that was back in the day i say woman should start at 21 18 at the least it depends on how finicial stable u r...... jus my opioion

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