
Best and worst tourist attractions in Italy?

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What are really the "must sees" and most awe inspiring sights in Italy, and what places are over rated tourist traps not worth travelling to?




  1. ill tell you in a week,

    Going to italy soon.

  2. Go to the Uffizi in Florence but not on a Monday.  Closed.  Santa Maria del Fiore is a beautifu cathedral you should see as well since it is also in Florence.  Any part of Tuscany.  Gorgeous.  All of Italy is beautiful, especially the mountains.  I hope you have fun.  I did.

  3. must see

    roman forum

    walking around in florence, looking at the market


    tower of pisa

    vatican city

    the chapel

    the DAVID!!! <--really no.1 of the must sees

    murano is ok...not amazing

  4. It depends on where in Italy you are.  Things I wouldn't miss: Mt Etna on Sicily, Vulcano and nearby islands, the whole of the Amalfi coast, the Vatican and Coliseum in Rome, the Italian lakes.  Overrated places: Venice and Milan.

    I love Italy and I hope you have a great time.

  5. Ive been a few times to Italy. I haven't yet come away disappointed. I dont think there are any awful sights.

  6. In Rome, the worst is the Vatican. It's always crowded in the summer months. The best places in Rome are the Roman ruins, the forum and the Colosseum.

    You should not miss the ancient city of Pompeii, it's amazing. But bring strong sunscreen and a hat.

    I wasn't wild about Pisa, with all the hawkers, and all the monuments are quite expensive to visit.

    There are very few places in Italy not worth going to, to be honest.

  7. One of the best and worst at the same time is Taormina (Sicily) on a crowded day. The place is quaint and the views over the sea spectacular but when the darn place is crowded it's awful. Best to get there early and leave before lunch.

    Same with Venice - chuck full and the city takes on a Disney Land kind of atmosphere. It's a must see but you've been forewarned.

    Rome - the Colosseum is a must see but the rest of the ruins are just that.

    The Greek temples in Agrigento (Sicily) are a magical place to visit (take an umbrella during the summer - no kidding - to help protect from the sun) but the near by beaches are dirty (the water lovely but the beaches a mess).

    The Italian Alps are a must see... all of it from east to west. The views are definitely awe inspiring.

    The Vatican museums (Sistine Chapel) are a must see.

    Ravenna and the mosaics are a must see.

    Naples is a must see. It's archaeological museum is the tops and the city serves up great pizza with southern charm. Look out for the pick pockets.

    Sunsets in the Venetian lagoon are awe inspiring.

    The Trevi Fountain is a must see!!!

    The island of Pantelleria is a place to go, see and do nothing but sit in the blue waters of the Med all day long.... and drink the local wine all night long.

    Genova is a place to see and have a real plate of pasta with pesto.

    My list will continue.......

  8. Italy is huge and there is no way you could see it all in one holiday.  Having been there 3 times I can tell you that the food is great - even in what we would term a local cafe.  Rome is wonderful but you need to bring some sensible shoes as it is a lot of walking in the heat.  The Trevi fountain is amazing and as it is Rome there are drinking water fountains everywhere to fill up your water bottle.  The Spanish steps are also worth a climb to see the view.  In Pisa the leaning tower is always worth nice photos but the building next to it is more accessible and nicer and they have singing to show off the acoustics.  you can buy a combined ticket for these.  I also visited Venice which is beautiful and if doing this you should take the water bus to the islands where they do the glass blowing which is amazing.  There is too much to list and to be honest I did not come across any tourist attraction which did not live up to the hype.  I hope you enjoy it!

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