
Best answer to put when job?

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best answer to put when job application ask; when available.....




  1. answer it honestley. don't sound like works is your life. they want you to  have a life outside of work....  unless your only available like twice a week..

  2. Put the hours that you can work, not the hours you want to work. Look at the hours of operation at the place you are applying at and then base your answer on it. I am a hiring manager for a restaurant and when I am looking at applications, I always look at who has the better availability and I choose that person first to call for an interview.  

  3. If they want to know your date available to start, you can give them a realistic date or a timje frame (immediately or 2 weeks).

    If they want to know what hours you will work, try and be flexible.  Putting specific hours is probably a reason to exclude you if they have two equally good candidates, but your competition is flexible...

  4. always put FLEXIBLE

    or any day any time :)

    they like that

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