
Best anwser goes to the best joke?

by  |  earlier

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I love jokes like any kind but manly kind of sexual jokes




  1. A boy and his fat mom went to the beach.when they got there all the whalles jumped out and sang we are family.even though you're bigger than me.

    your mama's so dark that when she ent to night school they lost her.(wtf??)

    you're mama's so poor that she has to put a burger at mcdonalds on layaway.:D(got that off of yo mama)

    have a nice day

  2. Okay. This one's been sitting in my head so it might be a little dusty.

    Three guys were captured on an island by natives and were taken to the chief.

    "Okay," the chief said in a condescending tone, "since you have trespassed on our territory you will be punished. You have two choices. You can choose death, you can suffer from Hubba Lubba." So he asks the first guy, "What is your choice? Death or Hubba Lubba?"

    The first guy doesn't want to die so he chooses Hubba Lubba. Then, all of a sudden, a six-hundred pound fat native waddles up to the first guy, rapes him, then lets him go. The guy is free to leave. The chief asks the second guy the same question.

    The second guy doesn't want to die, so he decides that Hubba Lubba will be easier. The fat native rapes him, and the second guy is free to go.

    The third guy does not want to get raped by a six-hundred pound guy, so he chooses death.

    "All right," the chief announces, "you are sentenced to death . . . by Hubba Lubba!"  

  3. there were these 3 guys walking through the forest and they get captured by native Americans. the chief native American said to them "go get 10 of 1 fruit and bring it back to me" so the first guy came back with apples, and the chief native American said to him "shove them up your butt without showing any facial expression or emotion or I'll boil and eat you" and after the 5th one, he cried. so he was boiled and eaten. the 2nd guy came back with cherries, and the chief native American said to him "shove them up your butt without showing any facial expression or emotion or I'll boil and eat you" and after the 9th one, he burst out laughing. so he was boiled and eaten as well. so now the 1st and 2nd guy are both and heaven, and the 1st guy said to the 2nd guy, "why did you burst out laughing? you could have saved your life." and the 2nd guy answers, "i saw the 3rd guy coming with pineapples."

  4. There are three people stranded on an island. One is a blond, one is a redhead, and one has brown hair. Then a genie appears. He said he would give each of them one wish. The brown haired one says "I wanna go home!" The redhead says "I wanna go home!" And the blond says "I want my friends back!"


    have fun =D

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