
Best areas to live in Melbourne with small kids?

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We don't know the city but will be looking for a house near good schools, parks, space, but not too far out. Nothing too rich.




  1. I would say the south-eastern suburbs;

    they are approx. 20 minutes by train to the city, and on the edge of the wealthy areas.

    its like the same safety and school quality without the expense.

    eg. Murrumbeena, Hughesdale, Oakleigh, Caulfield, Ormond, Glen Waverly, Ashburton.

    for a map, try

  2. Eltham is good. There are lots of parks and schools and shops. Its only about a half an hour drive to the city, and its not expensive. I live near there and there are lots of kids, and its a real close knit community.

    Once you have lived there for awhile, and your children have gone to school there, you won't be able to walk down the street without having someone to talk to.

  3. i personally think the best primary schools are in the inner northern suburbs (the schools of the carlton district) like clifton hill, north fitzroy, carlton. I came from there and it was really good, there were heaps of kids who moved away from private schools to my public primary school

    this area is very safe, lots of kids, generally young proffessionals live here

    northcote's also good, it's cheaper, a little lower in class but basically the same thing. There are heaps of parks and a creek nearby. only problem is this area lacks in good high schools

    middle park, albert park and surrounds are also good. It's near the beach, lots of great schools; primary and secondary. this area is also full of young proffesionals and is more pricey than clifton hill etc. middle park is the place i would like to bring up my kids when i have them

    both areas are very convinient; they have trams, trains and buses. all these places are a like less than 15mins from the city

  4. I agree with Maddie. This is a really good area, but not too expensive.

  5. I've heard Albert Park has good schools and parks....not too pricey housing and great shopping and cafes!

    I live in Kew...probably too expensive but it's a great place to live plus there are good schools.

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