
Best at home remedy for breakouts?

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i get random breakouts and im wondering if there are any home remedies that might be better than store bought products...

-does my diet and drinking soda have to do with having breakouts?




  1. Yes junk food and pop will make your face breakout. Try rubbing alcohol.

  2. - Fill your sink with warm water, add enough sea salt or refined salt until the water goes murky/cloudy. Wash your fash with this water several times, and pat dry with a towel, then if you want rinse your facr again with just plain warm water. Then apply an oil-free moisturiser to protect your skin from the elements and from dryness, which can aggrevate acne.

    - Drink Alkali water - Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of purified/filtered water per day, and add 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda {Sodium Bicarbonate} to every litre of water. This will balance your body's pH level. Microorganism, including those that cause acne cannot thrive in an alkalised environment, and only survive in a acidified body. Read 'The pH Miracle' by Dr Young, for more information.

    Many people overlook this, its like saying get enough sleep, we put little value on such advice; but if you have acne you need to drink lots of water to rid your body of toxins and dirt made by the microorganism causing acne.

    - NuCelle mandelic acid is good for removing blackheads.

    DIM 400mg per day - Di-Indole-Methane, this balances out hormone levels, which causes acne in teenagers. Alternatively, consume lots of raw cruceferious vegetables which contain DIM naturally.

    - Drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice per day. Store brands contains too much added sugar, and are sometimes even pasteurised. or 1000mg of Magnesium Ascorbate powder.

    - Cut down on sugar, replace sugar with Xylitol, and cut down on vegetable oil, replace with Virgin Olive Oil or Cocconut Oil, also apply Cocconut oil to skin, as this has well known anti-microbial properties.

    - Supplement 1-3g of Omega 3 per day, Nordic Natural Ultimate Omega brand strictly, or Carlson's brand, as they are pharmaceutical grade/pure.

    Check for candida overgrowth, as this can cause acne, lots online about this, try the spit test in the morning.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I've been blessed with good skin, but my friend swears by dabbing a little toothpaste on that bad boy before you go to sleep, and it usually works. I have heard also about the diet, that it doesn't however, I think if you are eating a lot of greasy foods, and then touching your face, that could do it. Try cutting out the soda or greasy foods for a couple of weeks, drink water instead, and see if that helps, can't hurt right. :)

  4. putting a moist bag of green tea on the breakout helps, sound crazy i know, but it works

    and yes, your diet does have a enormous effect on breakouts

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