
Best athlete of all time???TIGER WOODS?

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Is Eldrick Woods (AKA) TIGER about to have the best golf season ever? How many matches do you think he will win this year? And do you think after this year we can officially call Tiger Woods Americas best athlete of all time? I for one do. He has greatness and heknows how to handle it. He is the consummate professional and deserves every stinking penny he earns..YOU THE MAN TIGER...




  1. to early to tell , this season , will turn all of single season , sports history on its ears . the strange thing is . he read and instructed , from hogans 5 fundementals . if hogan could win with one eye . light weight . what is tiger really capable of . not now , but in future years . we are in for a lot of unbelivable shotmaking . as great as feherty is with responces he will be stunned by something that may have him speechless for maybe 15  seconds .

  2. there's still federer, MJ, gretzky, babe ruth, Ali, etc.

    woods is still a long way from the greatest ATHLETE of all time.

    greatest golfer? i would say yes.

  3. Best golfer - he will probably go down as the best by the time his career is over !

    Best athlete - no !! I would suggest any of the great tour de france multiple winners. Indurain - Mercxx - Armstrong etc...

    Indurain for example had a resting heart rate of 28 beats per minute - simply incredible. Shows how fit you have to be to even complete this event.


  4. First, if Tiger retires tomorrow, he will go down as the best player ever.  Thats a fact.  The buzz in the mid 90's was that noone would ever dominate golf again because the competition was simply too deep.  Nicklaus as great as he was did not have to battle the depth of talent that a current player does. If someone would have written the story of Woods 20 years ago, anyone who knows anything about golf would have laughed and said absolutely no way.  It is mind boggling what he has accomplished and if anything his career has been underrated. As far as the best athlete ever?  I think nobodys record in any sport will be harder to duplicate over the next one hundred years than what Tiger will put up before its all said and done.  Remember he is just now hitting what is normally the peak years of a professional golfer. He will continue to win tournaments for 10-15 more  years.

  5. I think these honorary titles get thrown about too easily. Arnold Palmer was named Athlete of the Decade for the 1960's by the Associated Press. Jack Nicklaus was named Athlete of the Decade for the 1970's by Sports Illustrated. Arnie was a chain smoker in the 1960's and Jack was nicknamed Fat Jack in the 1970's because he was so overweight. So to present Tiger with the title of Best Athlete of All Time is merely a perception. He certainly is physically fit and that fitness has raised the bar for his fellow competitors but could Tiger successfully compete in an Iron Man competition? Could Tiger successfully compete in the Tour De France? Could Tiger successfully compete in an Olympic Decathlon? Let's just say that at this point in his short career he's the best golfer of his era and let his records define him at the end of his career. I just don't think that the title of Best Athlete of All Time is going to be bestowed on a golfer.

  6. By far the man is a work of perfection. He was gifted.

  7. I love golf, but it is a pasttime, a hobby, not a sport. Hence Tiger is not an athlete. He is easily the best golfer. But there are a ton of better American athletes out there. Lance Armstrong ring a bell.

    And for the person above who listed other athletes, Federer is Swiss.

  8. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First off, Tiger is a ways off from being the best golfer ever, let alone the best athlete ever! And golf while I believe is a sport, is not really an athletic sport per say! More mental, and mechanic orientated. Athleticism helps, but some pretty nonathletic people have been really good in golf.

  9. No, Tiger isn't about to have "the best golf season ever."  But he will have a great year.  I wouldn't be surprised to see him win a career-high 10 tournaments this year, including a couple of majors.

    And what's "the best athlete" of all-time?  How do you qualify that?

  10. Michael Jordan.

  11. lol...and the opinion of Thirstey? Drink me, is a typical response from a grass eater with mad cow desease.

  12. Woods is definitely the greatest golfer of all-time, but not athlete. Maybe one of the greatest althetes of all time, but there are many other sports icons that stand at the level of, or above Tiger. Such as Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Deion Sanders (played both MLB and NFL, participated in both Superbowl + World Series), and many more.

    Example: Greatest athletes of All-Time

    Basketball: Michael Jordan

    Golf: Tiger Woods

    Tennis: Roger Federer

    etc, etc.

    EDIT: Oops I didn't see American, but you get the point...

  13. Tiger could be the best golfer of all time, not the best athlete.

    It probably would be Bo Jackson before he got hurt.

  14. He doesn't play a sport so, no. He's a helluva golfer though.

    C'mon. Golf is no more a sport than bowling, darts or croquet.

  15. There is a chance he is the greatest golfer of all time. The sad part is there is really no one to challenge him. Nicklaus had Palmer, Trevino, Watson, and Player, among others. Tiger has Paddy Harrington. I would still say Tiger is the best ever. As for the greatest athlete of all time, not a chance. I would take someone like Jim Thorpe or Carl Lewis.

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