
Best attractive places in Britain?

by Praise  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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 Tags: attractive, Britain



  1. Guest44958

     It comprises of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and the United Kingdom and has long been a favourite European tourist destination for many because of its beautiful countryside, topnotch museums, outstanding theatres, historic cities. There are several places to visit in the UK and they include:

    * London- which is an interesting city with history, museums, beautiful green parks, art galleries, fantastic shopping, and a vibrant theatre scene. 

    * Edinburgh Castle- is a symbol of Scotland's capital, it is known for its neoclassical architecture

    * Stonehenge- is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones in South West England.

    * Chester- is not far from the border of Wales and its known for the medieval walls enriching it

    * Scottish Highlands- is a famous lake in the north-west portion of Scotland

    Other places are Cornwall, York, Snowdonia, Lake District and Cambridge.








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