
Best beach to find big sea shells in galveston

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Best beach to find big sea shells in galveston




  1.  Hey Daniel  Van Burk, I go to galveston all the time as well as high island and all I have ever found are whelks,  angel wings, snal shells...where do you find the sand dollars and all those others you mentioned. ..

  2. Guest1735, have you been to Galveston? Because I grew up on the Galveston beaches (and still go there many times throughout the year) and I can tell you first hand that there are numerous varieties of shells to be found. Lightning Whelks, Sand Dollars, Angel Wing, Ark Shell, Baby's Ear, Bay Scallops, Channeled Duck Clams, and at least a dozen other varieties. As far as big shells go, we do have Conchs that grow to about eight inches in length, although the aren't as abundant as they used to be.

  3. We were there a couple of weeks ago and I searched the beaches west of Galveston just across the San Luis pass and found lots of small sea shells but we rode the ferry across to Crystal Beach and all the way up that highway we kept stopping to pick up shells.  There are so many shells there.  There are some about as long as a person's hand, different colors and shapes.  It is amazing how many shells are there.  In galveston, you just walk along and find a few.  At Crystal beach the whole beach is made of shells.  They look like gravel until you get close to them.

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