
Best bird to breed???

by Guest66894  |  earlier

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i would like to start breeding parrots, i just want one pair, for a hobby. which breed of parrot is the easiest? in the 200 - 400 dollar range? i will be gone on weekdays from 7 am to 3 pm

does parrot breeding mean you have to be there 24/7?

i need one that has a good maternal instinct




  1. My concern would be the 7-3 weekday. You don't have to be there 24/7. But when babies are pulled from the nest at two weeks old they require feedings at least every four to six hours depending on the breed.

    I would start out small at first. You can find a pair of tiels for less then $150.00. Try them first and see if you can handle them. Do your research and find out the best bird to sell in your area while you are learning from the tiels.

    Good luck...

    Yes Tiels is short for cockatiel... Sorry...

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