
Best board for a beginner?

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I am a TOTAL beginner! I have never snowboarded before, and I'm going to give it a try since skiing is starting to get a little boring. I want a good snowboard, such as burton or roxy. (I'm 16, 5'3, 115pounds) I have no idea what the differences are between freestyle, powder, and all mountain boards! What are the differences, and what would be the best one for me? I'm not going to be doing any tricks for a long time since I don't even know how to snowboard yet... hah THANKS




  1. Rent a board.  Don't lay down the money on something you're not sure you'll love doing.

    Burton and Roxy aren't the only "good" brands.  They're actually some of the more hyped and overpriced boards around.  Any good board shop will be able to set you up with something the right size and for your height, weight and abilities.

    It's better not to buy a board until you've had a few days out and have increased your skills to the point where it's worth investing in an intermediate board.  If you buy it too soon you might trash it or not be able to ride it properly.

    That being said depending on the weight specs of the board you'd probably want something about 140cm long.

  2. Yeah I would also suggest renting for your first couple times, as you may find out that you hate snowboarding. If you must buy, I would suggest a Burton Feather or Lux, they are great chick boards and will last you years.

  3. hire a trainer he or her will teach u

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