
Best book for a history of WW2?

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What's the best book that I could possibly buy (not massively long) for a brief history of WW2. Obviously I realise that in only one book covering the whole war, detail will be scarce, but even so...




  1. Churchill's.

    I think there are 5 volumes, I'd have to go upstairs and look, but it's worth every word if you really want to know.

  2. The Story of World War II

    by Robert Leckie, (c) 1964

  3. William Shirer, the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is best.

    (a bit long, but just read a WWII summary first, then read the parts you want in this one - very well-organized, no chapters with 'mysterious' labels, good maps and index.)

  4. You might try "The Second World War" by John Keegan

  5. anything by stephen ambrose is good. "ridgeway's paratroopers" is another good one. while this book is about paratroopers, the book covers every major engagement, from north africa until the end of the war.

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