
Best book you've ever read?

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Okay, i know that this question has been asked a lot, but i am VERY picky. Please do not say the twilight series, (a little too mushy for my taste but still good), or books by Jane austin becasue i can't stand them. I really like harry potter, Jane Eyre and the Pellinor series if that helps. I love all genres.




  1. Harry Potter


  2. Oh, that's hard. I am going to go with the Lord of the Rings on this one...or Animal Farm or 1984...oh, it's so hard. I love anything by C.S. Lewis too!

    Hey, you get a star from me, because I can't stand Jane Austen's books either! Woot!


  4. Try "The Sight" by David Clement-Davies. It's been my favorite for 8+ years now (:

  5. The Count of Monte Cristo. (love, hate, betrayal, vengeance, intelligence and redemption.)

    No mush... and Napoleon has a cameo! The film was well done but did not follow the book very well.  

  6. If you want a good read, I'd try the Sight (someone put that already). Hilari Bell is a FANTASTIC author. I'd try some of her books, too.

  7. The Stand by Stephen King

  8. I can't narrow it down to one, but here's my favorite three

    1984 by George Orwell

    I am the Messenger by  Markus Zusak

    Gone with the Wind by Marget Mitchell

  9. If you're asking for the best book we've ever read you're not allowed to be specific (please do not say...).  

    It's The Little Prince for me, hands down.  

  10. The Firm by John Grisham.  I didn't think I'd like it because I thought all legal books were dull boring, but the book's incredible.  You can't really go wrong with any of John Grisham's legal thrillers.

  11. Ugh, I was about to say Twilight series but yeah. Um I usually only read romance novels. I loved "Love, Lies, and a Double Shot of Deception". I also enjoyed reading "A Walk To Remember". Now that I've come to realize it.. those were the only books I've ever read. 0_0'

  12. SHANTARAM!!! Best book ever

  13. I have a lot of favorite books, but to narrow it down to a few, I would say The Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, and of course anything by Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers. I also like The Cat Who mysteries by Lillian Jackson Braun

  14. If you're into sci-fi at all I'd check Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game series and the companion series Ender's Shadow.  Don't really care much for adult sci-fi because it's usually just p**n set on a different planet but I really got into the Ender's serieses

    The Penedragon series is really gooo too with a lot of action and twists and turns through out the series

    Keys to the Kingdom series is pretty good too

    If you like romance but you're not into mushy I'd give Lynda Sandoval a try.  I don't care for romance novels but she writes really well and I didn't even realize that I was reading a romance novel

    Chris Crutcher is really good too.  He writes realistic fiction for young adults and doesn't sugar coat things.  He writes about real situations and writes them in a way that you feel like you get to know his characters.  Hope that helps.

  15. Jane AustEN. Not Austin.

    I like Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.

  16. I would say either Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, or hatchet. But you think of reading one of the Harry Potter books I would suggest starting from number one cuz if you dont it might be confusing.

    Your welcome,


    P.S Can you answer my questions if you know the answers?

  17. Picture of Dorian Gray is the best book I've read.

    When I was a kid, I loved the Chronicles of Narnia. As an adult though, rereading them, I don't like them as much in book form because of the lack of character development, however the recent film adaptations are excellent.  

  18. "The Works of Edgar Allan Poe."

    Take 2.  A thumbs down for Poe?  I guess illiteracy is on the upswing.

  19. OMJ! i love jane eyre!!!!! thats my favorite book! im reading it again for the fourth time!!!!!  my other favorites are:

    The Hobbit

    The Lord of the Rings

    Sword of Shannarah

    The Choronicles of Narnia

    i have a lot more but those are my top favorites

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