
Best boots/goggles/gloves for snowboarding?

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im starting to s.boarding this weekend, before that, i wanna get the boots, googles and gloves. (for now, ill rent the binding and board.)

which brands are good? (i dont mean "best",cuz im a newbie and dont wanna waste the expensive ones =) )




  1. mammot gloves, they may cost a bit more but man are they worth it I tried 5 gloves on the slopes and my hands froze to death

    goggles - smith, get anti-fog and you will be good they work great and don't cost that much, you don't need dragon or oakley googles cost alot more don't work any better\

    Boots- Burton Mint, not too spendy comfy

  2. Boots - Vans

    Goggles - Spy

    Gloves - Demon

  3. Boots - thirtytwo makes some great boots.  As far as the grand scheme of boots goes they're not ridiculously priced and are really good quality.  They'll be able to last you a few seasons and are important to your riding.  Good boots should have an inner liner that you can lace up separately from the outside.  That's well worth paying a few bucks extra for because it makes doing the boot up way way easier.  It might be tempting to just straight up buy the cheapest boots but if your feet aren't changing much then buy some nice ones.

    Gloves - anything that will keep your hands warm and is waterproof.  No best brand.

    Goggles - look for something with a double lens because that will help them not fog up.  An amber or "persimmon" colour is the most versatile.

    All in all brands don't matter too much but keep in mind that if you buy the absolute cheapest of anything and you get into riding you'll have to replace it before too long.  Check with the mountain you're heading to, you could probably rent some goggles and gloves up there and save yourself a few bucks on that.

  4. as long as you get waterproof gloves you should be fine there. i reccomend going to a ski shop for the other things

  5. For a noob go to Marshalls and get some goggles and gloves there.  They'll do for now and you can upgrade later when you decide you want to.  There is no right or wrong in terms of boots.  Go to a good store and get fitted.  See what feels comfortable.  Don't go too cheap but don't feel like you need to drop a lot of loot either.  anywhere from $150-$250 should get you something good.  Personally I like DC but I've heard good things about Salomon, especially for girls.

  6. for a beginner, price points will prob be your best friend, in goggles, just try to make sure that you have venitlation so that they don't stay fogged up.....  

    your gloves just need to be waterproof and that's really the most important thing,  

    as for boots, que is right,  you just need to go to a store, there's no such thing as the "best" it's really what works best for want to make sure that they are comfortable, and don't pinch too hard on your calf muscles, or the top of your foot. keep them snug but not so tight they hurt or cut off circulation.

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