
Best brand for an ankle brace?

by Guest63631  |  earlier

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i keep landing on my left ankle wrong. i haven't sprained it or anything yet, but i want some prevention method. what type of ankle brace is the best for support and preventing sprains?

i heard that active ankle is a good brand.




  1. active ankle

  2. I had REALLY bad ankle problems in high school, and until you do something stupid like me and stretch all your tendons out, the T2 Active ankle will probably be fine.

    I used those all of 7-11th grade, except for like 2 months when I somehow sprained my ankle and then wore an air cast, then re-sprained it the day before basketball started my senior year, and was screwed the rest of the season.

    The best protection, if it is available, is to go ahead and tape. If you have an athletic trainer, or a coach that can tape well, take advantage of the opportunity!!!

  3. well any brand is good. i have played volleyball before!!! i say with any hurt muscle or anything you shold ice it and then wrap it!! or put like icey hot on  it and wrap it!! it soo works.

  4. I use TruFit.

    I got it at d**k's.

    I am sure there are some better and more expensive ones, but it definitley helps.

    Whenever I play sports I have ankle problems :/

  5. yeah active ankles work really well for prevention usage...i would suggest getting 2 active for each ankle....oh and dont listen to the people who say that they weaken your long as you only wear them for volleyball, you will be totally fine =) lol they are about $50 each but are definatly worth it...better than risking injuring your ankle and being out for a whole season right?!?!?!?!?

    here are the links........

    ***hope i helped and good luck!!!

  6. i got active ankles when my ankles started to really hurt after tourneys and practices. They feel so good and i can feel them supporting my ankles when i block and hit. since i got them, i haven't had any problems with my ankles!

    -hope this helps!

  7. Active Ankle T2.

    There are several versions of Active Ankle, and Active Ankle T2 is probably the best (and most expensive) one.

    I personally got a pair (paid about $40 each at my local Chick's Sporting Goods) after trying out my doctor's prescribed one and another from Walmart. They are light weighted, very flexible, so that you won't feel too much extra added to your foot/feet. I have had them for about 2 years and never had any problem or needed to look for another pair.

    They come in either white or black.

  8. Most definately, Active Ankles!

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