
Best brand of contacts? And I'm a little scared; any tips?

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im getting contacts for my birthday and i was wondering which brand was the best.

i also need tips cause i am a little scared.




  1. i use acuve advance advance. they are very comfortable. u cant sleep in them but u shouldnt anyways. make sure that u keep good care of ur case and make sure its always clean. u should change the solution each day. if not u can get an infection from not proper care. -_- its happened to me. eye got super swollen and it was a stye. couldnt see outta the eye cus it was so puffy.

    and theres nuthing to b scared of. i luv my contacts. they take bout 2 weks to get used to putting in. but after that theyre a cinch. sometimes u even forget ur wearing them. they seem lik ur normal eye.  

  2. O2 Optix are a great brand of contacts. They are very comfortable and they are sleep approved so you can sleep in them for a few days without taking them out.They last 2 weeks each and cost about $27 a box with 6 contacts per box.  

  3. O2 optix are good but were recalled awhile ago and my doctor told me acuvue oasis are way better. i can sleep with mine in for a month lol and they dont effect my eyes *DO NOT SLEEP WITH THEM IN* because i used to do that with other contacts i now get corneal ulcers. SO PLEASE LISTEN lol dont sleep with them in.

  4. I have Freshlook and they work great.

    As long as you clean your contacts and maintain them well, you shouldn't have a problem.


  5. O2 optix are the best.  they allow more oxygen through, decreasing your chances of eye irritation or other problems.  and they may be approved for sleep, but its a bad idea in general to do that.

    they come made to last different lengths of time, from (I think) weeklys to 3 months.  note: the longer they are made to last, the much cheaper they are per day, but you also have to make sure to take better care of them.  Also, the longer they last, the much bigger they are, which make them harder to put it.

    Switching from glasses to contacts is one of the best decisions I ever made.

  6. O2optix.

    best price and best brand. but ask your eye doctor because different eyes call for different things.

    and don't worry too much. the first week will be hard. but then it will become a habit (putting them on). just be ready for trying a lot because for me the first few days it took me like 30 mins to get them on! i was upset but then it became easier.

    tip 1) get glasses too.  

            or don't throw away the ones you have, because believe me...

            there are days when contacts don't wanna get on your eyes.

            days when there's no time to put contacts on. etc. etc.

            glasses will be there to save you!

    tip 2) look for places where you can get a deal.

            i get mine from sams (same brand as i would get anywhere else)

            and for buying 2 boxes we get a discount!

    tip 3) always have contact solution and your container.

            if possible get a little mini bottle of solution to carry with you.

            and always have contact solution in your locker at school.

            + an extra pair of contacts/or glasses. you never know when

            youll have an emergency.

    tip 4) don't sleep with them on!!!!!!!!!! even if you do get the O2optix.

            theyre supposed to be sleep-approved but don't do it!!!!!!!

            last night i did that and right now i have 2 really irritated eyes.

            thats the reason im even on this category of yahoo answers :).

    tip 5) don't worry.

            things like this take a little time to get use to and i really

            understand your concern because i was scared too.  

            problems with contacts do occur, but rarely, so don't let

            stories about broken contacts convince you to not get them.

            and trust me: you wont regret getting contacts! theyre the best!

    best of luck and yay for contacts!!!

  7. i have tried a bunch and my eyes are really sensitive, so im pretty sure these work well on everyone. acuvue oasis with hyrdaclear. theyre really moist and comfortable, i never even feel them!!

    #1 dont sleep in them, your eyes need to rest and they need the oxygen

    #2 always change the solution in your case every time you store them

    #3 make sure your fingers are clean before putting them in!!!

    #4 once you get them in , look up and down and in all directions before closing your eye, it takes any wrinkles that were in the contact out, and it forms to your eye better

    #5 get a good solution!! my favorite is opti-free replenish, it's like the gentlest one out there and it feels really good and refreshing on your eyes!

    hope that helps!!! good luck!!!!

  8. Hey! (My first Y! Answers response) well I've been wearing contacts full time (approx 8-10 hours per day) for a full 2 months now.

    I trailed (each for 2 days) both O2 Optix and Acuvue Oasys during my initial consultations. I found the Acuvue Oasys to be a lot more comfortable after wearing them for 6-8+ hours.

    After many hours of use, I found that my eyes did not dry out as much wearing the Acuvue Oasys.

    That would be my own personal recommendation.

    But honestly, my eye specialist allowed me to trial the brands I had researched and was undecided about. If you're unsure of 2 brands, then ask to trial a pair.

  9. Freshlook. They make color contacts and normal. I love them. Comfy nice, not itchy, and decently priced.

  10. I use acuvue hydraclear. it's more for dry eyes..but the regular acuvue is good too. it's what i've always used.

    tips...umm..just be patient if you find it difficult to take your contact lenses in and out at first. you should get used to taking care of them in a week or two. but other than that, contacts are great! you'll love them.

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