
Best brands of Bra?.....?

by Guest59082  |  earlier

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I am a 34 B and I have been wearing Victoria's secrets underwear for all my adult life... however...i don't really have the expense for expensive underwear like i used to and i want to know what other brands of bras are as s**y, comfortable and durable. Serious Answers only! Thanks!




  1. vanity fair is really good and sometimes cheap if u get it at burlington coat factory

  2. OH girl ur making me horney!

  3. it really depends. there are some nice brands and designs that are not for somebody's type. just dont be brand concious. some cheap ones can even do wonders!

  4. any of the ones found at JCPenney, they are s**y, comfortable to the max, and very durable.  They aren't expesive either, and you can get matching underwear with it.  I've been using these bras for years and they were the best for me. and my 34 bs

    good luckk x


  5. i like Joe Boxer.they aren't really 's**y' but their comfy and durable.

  6. push-up bra's!

  7. Maiden Form, Calvin Klein, and Sophie B.  All brands that I wear that fit me very nicely and are very durable.  I got them all from TJ Maxx/Marshalls.  They're not expensive at all.  $7-$10.  $14 is the most you'd end up spending.

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