
Best cell carrier coverage in Dallas, TX?

by Guest61893  |  earlier

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My husband and I are moving to Dallas in a few months and are planning on renewing our contract pretty soon here. We are currently with Verizon and love it where we are now (great coverage, clear reception, never dropped calls), but we're not sure if it's the best in Dallas.

Anyone from Dallas or who travels to Dallas--who is your carrier and how is the coverage? We're not too concerned with the cost because his company will pay for it, so we care most about reception, clarity, and fewest dropped calls!





  1. I agree on the AT&T part. I know people who have Verizon and they have little problem. Sprint, aside from the customer service issues, DOES have issues in Collin County, where Plano is. There are too many dead spots in the metroplex with Sprint as well.

    I HAVE had dropped calls with AT&T, but that was up in the boondocks of Bowie, Texas. In the DFW area AT&T and Verizon are the ones I'd go for.

  2. I've been with Verizon since '05 (was with ATT for 8 years before that - the original AT&T not Cingular/ATT) and have had very little issues.  Coverage in the metro area is fantastic and can travel all over the state without going into roaming.  

    Excellent coverage, clear connections and excellent customer service (both in the stores and on the phone).

  3. I'm with Sprint.  Coverage is great.  I don't think I've ever had a dropped call since I've had them (8 years), and if I did, it was so rare that I clearly can't remember it!

    The reception is always great.  I've really had no issues whatsoever.  I can even use it on the elevator at work, and in the basement parking garage, so for me that's a plus.

  4. not too many dead areas with att

  5. AT&T. Sprint has a huge issue around plano areas. They drop phone calls like no other and have large areas with no signal. I had sprint for a year and had no signal at my house or 6 miles surrounding it. I havent honestly had verizon in dallas. T-mobile has frequent signal failures. My friends wont have signal for the weekend or a couple days at the most. If what you truely care most about is reception, clarity and droped calls AT&T is the perfect option! I have had my Cingular/AT&T account for over 4 years in the dallas area and have never had a droped call.

  6. I've had AT &T since the beginning.  Of course, it's changed names a few times.  I rarely am without service.  I probably will never change.

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