
Best chat up line for a girl to chat up a guy??

by  |  earlier

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by chat up i mean like make intresting conversations-just incase you didnt no what i meant!






  1. Go otu with me. d

  2. "The genie sent me - so what were your other 2 wishes"

  3. nice shoes, wanna ****?

    then you can talk about shoes, s*x, or corny pick up lines

  4. have you been loosing weight?

  5. the one that alwaysworked for me was: do you believe in ghosts?or have you seen any ghosts? it will then start up a long conversation, but this also depends on age so this advis ewill vary, trust me it works

  6. to break the ice,

    did/do u go to *****school

    did i see u at the ,bowling alley (or whatever)    

    this will open conversation ,then ,if need be ,follow up by asking about him. EVERYBODY likes to talk about themselves.

    look for things u might have in common .good luck .

    remember he also has to make effort at conversation, it's not only up to u.

  7. do you like shoppinggggggggg? ahaha.  

  8. depends on how shallow the guy is or isn't....right now all guys just sit around playing their PlayStation's 3 or  x about that boring stuff

  9. talk about s*x they love it. oh lalallalalal

  10. id say ive lost my fone number can i have yours?

  11. tell him about you job, men are fascinated by a womans job for some crazy reason,and talk about future things,avoid past things ok

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