
Best childhood memory??

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Best childhood memory??




  1. I enjoyed riding on the front of the boat we had.

    I could not hear the sound of the engine.  It was nice and quiet.

    The ocean smelled so good.  The warm sunshine shining down on me was not too hot because of the wind blowing in my face.

    Oh, it was soooooooo good:)

  2. hiding in the car with my best friend calling random numbers and then accidently called childline!!! we got told off by the lady and got scared and jumped into the boot of the car! was funny :)  

  3. Couldn't pick just one, it was the best time, so it would have to be the culmination of my childhood memories.  What I remember and enjoy now are the thoughts of those times.  We stayed up late and played well into midnight out on the shared driveway with neighbors games like red light green light.  Then there was sitting in the grass looking at the clouds, playing in the ditch, skating on the frozen ditch.  Swinging from the weeping willow tree, climbing the cheery tree.  Balancing on the fence, crawling through the hole in the fence, digging through the paper factory bin, looking for four leaf clovers.  Playing kick the can, hide and seek, british bull dog, dodge ball, chestnut duals, clackers (that's a toy not sold anymore), halloween, dances, swings, slides, club house, playing store and school........   Thanks for bringing some of it back to mind.

  4. Too many to count! My dad was in the air force and we lived all over (California, Illinois, Maryland, Arizona, Japan) so there was always new adventures. It was fun meeting so many new interesting people and learning the strange customs and such. I loved being carefree, playing pretend games with all the other little kids and running around.

    Love Haleigh<3

  5. my sister and i used to roll on mom's bed until we get off the bed and we'd feel so dizzy as we laugh hard then do it all over and over again. man, it was the best while we were careless, worry free, and being a child :)

    what's yours?

  6. I went to Disney World when I was six.  Everything else is just a blur, to be honest.

  7. I havent had any yet but Im only 13!

  8. my dad was going to take me to buy a nintendo. I took the money out the bank and on the way to the car he gave me the keys and told me it was in the boot so I got it instantly when I couldn't wait. It was amazing

  9. Going to the park when I was 4 after it had snowed really heavily. We went sledding and ran about all over the place just have great fun. That was the best day...It was the first time I really got the concept of snow, and I can remember my mum, dad, sister and myself built the biggest and best snowman!

    What's yours?


  10. getting lost in supper wal-mart and sitting in the ailse crying

  11. Playing baseball and hockey with friends on a summer day. I was an active kid...

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