
Best college in Colombia?

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what are the top colleges in Colombia? (the country)




  1. I would say the top 3, in no particular order, are:

    Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Universidad de los Andes

    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    All excellent universities.

  2. Lugar ranking Iberoamericano 2005   Total publicaciones 1990-2005   Institución  

    142 1405 Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    152 1226 Universidad de Antioquia

    154 1225 Universidad del Valle

    195 824 Centro de Investigacion de Agricultura Tropical - Cali

    202 785 Universidad de los Andes

    284 519 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    377 337 Universidad Industrial de Santander

    496 216 Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas - Medellín

    Those are what wikipedia considers the top ranking universitys in colombia. All though it is number 5 on the list I have heard alot of good thing about universidad de los andes.

    If you are thinking baout going to Colombia you should check out and

    The people there will have lots of good advice on almost everything colombia related...


  3. Honey, I don't think there are colleges in south America.

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