
Best colleges after high school to becoming a heart surgeon?

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I really want to become a heart surgeon after high school but i want to know what are the best colleges to go to so i can become a heart surgeon. Please be specific!




  1. You can go to any good college after high school.  What really counts is taking the MCATS which is a test that will qualify you for a medical school after college.

  2. Here's the deal. First off it looks like your just starting your research into the medical field, as your question is so broad. Here is a layout on what you will have too do:

    First, you must get a bachelors degree in any major, and as long as you are in a decent school, you are fine. While getting your bachelors, you are considered pre-med, because you will be taking certain science courses required for med school. These courses include a year of chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, and physics. Usually during your junior year, you will need to take the MCAT's, a very difficult test in which med school admissions look at. So, during collage, you must get a bachelors and do all your pre-med classes, and get a VERY high gpa for all of them, at least 3.5+. You also need to do the MCAT and score high, and on top of all of that, you need HUNDREDS of hours of community service, clinical exposure, leadership... Yes, being pre-med is one of the hardest parts.

    Next you apply for med schools. EXTREMELY competitive, that's why pre-med is so difficult, you must make yourself competitive. After getting in, you have 4 years, the first 2 mostly book work, the last 2 clinical rotations. Actually, you usually decide what aspect of medicine you will pursue your last year of med school. After med school, you will have residencies, which, for a heart surgeon is 7 years. You will be getting paid around $50,000 a year, but will be working CRAZY hours. When its all said and done, you are looking at 4 years collage, 4 years med school, 7 years residency, so 15 years of school. A long road to a rewarding career. Good luck!

    PS. So ya, it really does not matter too much what university you go too :-) But statistically universities that have their own med schools tend to accept applicants that went to their undergrad school.

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