
Best compliment?

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What's the best compliment you've gotten lately?




  1. The little boy next door came over and knocked on my front door.( they just moved in and he was about 7 yrs. old) They were playing ball,and it went over our fence into the backyard. Before I could open the door, I heard him telling his two friends, " Oh yeah she's real nice, and real pretty too! I love that little kid for that so sweet comment.

  2. "you look exotic"

    as a white person, for some reason

    this is very nice to hear

  3. Lately..................

    none but it does not matter what other thinks

    I still think I'm a nice human and not a waste of creation

    I just believe in that and I can survive

  4. I got called one s**y mama when I was walking my kids downtown for the firework show. I've been told I look really good considering I have three kids

  5. my teacher said "you look extra nice today"

  6. my mommy said IM SPECIAL INSIDE :]

    lol jk

    this guy said he was shocked i was single. i asked him why, and he said i had a really amazing smile, and that i was so funny. :D

  7. "Thank you."  I still feel happy every time someone thanks me.  But as for compliments towards me as a person, I suppose someone telling me in my yearbook that I was gorgeous.  It felt really nice, because other than my parents, no one has ever told me I was pretty.

  8. ur not as ugly as your mom

  9. Last week someone said you look like a cat.... I hear stuff like you look like Christina Ricci or Angelina Jolie or Katie Holmes.  they are all very pretty.  My favorite one is your so beautiful. (from the man I love). :)

  10. geez i cant remember........*sniffs* no one likes me..... *starts crying*

  11. Your a wonderful mother and a beautiful person both inside and out.
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