
Best cure for a hangover?

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Best cure for a hangover?




  1. It can be kind of gross to get down, but V8 makes me feel much better.   And more sleep, if possible.

  2. to do in this order:

    eat a banana

    hit the bong

    drink a lot of water

    eat something w protein and carbs

    take some vitamin b

    take a nap

    I'll be great in no time!

  3. Sleep, Plenty of water and bread!

    Works a treat everytime...Oh and a nice bath!

  4. sleep

    fry up

    and lots of water

    if all else fails

    go get drunk again :) x

  5. Spoonful of sugar or something with lots of sugar.

    I *think* hangovers happen because of the with-drawl of sugar from the excess amount of sugar from the alcohol the night before.

    So by giving yourself a little sugar kick it will help you come down easier :)

    Go on, put a spoonful or more of sugar into water and give it a go!

  6. Don't drink alchohol.

  7. Plenty of fresh water, Barroca(vit.B-complex) and Zeolite powder.

  8. Thai coconut water works wonders.

  9. dont drink so much!

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