
Best cure for hangover/sick?

by  |  earlier

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i had one too many brandies last night on top of my flu/cold - i have this crappy cough and runny nose - lets just say i have the greenies : < ... so i am sick and hungover.. best combined remedy you can come up with???




  1. The best cure from overcoming a hangover / sickness is

    extremely easy to accomplish!. &#039;&#039;DON&#039;T DRINK ALCOHOL .&#039;&#039;

    That stuff kills thousands of Americans each year.

    NOTE: I&#039;ve been sober going on 6 yrs. now without the help

    of  A . A . ( which in my opinion is nothing but a bunch of

    Alcoholics telling there own tragic drunk-a-log stories .)

    My best friend was killed by a drunk driver who had just attended a meeting by order of the court and driving on

    a suspended License, decides to stop at a Liquor store.

    End of story, End of a innocent Life. She was only 18 yrs. old !.

    Please don&#039;t Miss-understand what I&#039;m trying to say. My point

    is , when you drink, you also must think. Sorry about your

    hangover, you&#039;ll Live.

  2. rehab

  3. pork chops

  4. drink some gatorade/powerade....i&#039;ve also heard midol works to cure a hangover...other than that....have fun puking;)

  5. Sleep. Sleep is the best thing you can do when you are sick or hung over. Also, try to drink lots of fluids (Gatorade is great for hang overs) because your body is dehydrated from drinking too much and it will also help your illness.

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