
Best dance moves performed in a song?

by Guest61563  |  earlier

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what is the name of the best dance video ever seen by you,also name the artist, as i need to see the best of the best dance moves ever been brought on this earth..i am searching you tube at the moment and theres nothing more then michael jackson that i can think of ..can you suggest more artists or the songs other then him ,justin and usher or any dance group.....i saw DAYS GO BY song from the DIRTY VEGAS..and the performance in the song is fantastic.




  1. err..huh? Beyonce has really great moves...


  2. Well, if you're looking for popish/hip hop/that kinda stuff...check out shakira and chris brown. Both of them have KILLER dance moves, though Chris Brown kinda steals a lot of his moves from mj.

    However, if you're looking for KILLER dancing thats NOT from like...singers... check out different Cirque Du Soleil stuff. It's KIND of like a Circus but a billion times better.

    There's also a ton of colab videos on youtube that different artists put together.

    You just gotta look around. =]

  3. the song "love bug" by the jonas brothers

    the best dance : when joe tap dances

    also the jonas brothers do a lot of flips and dances when theyre performing , it really awesome

    look at about 1:25

  4. I would have to say, "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee-Gees!


    They really get down in that video...

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