
Best defensive shift?

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In the 2007-2008 Regular season and playoffs, what was the best defensive shift from one player?

Here's mine................

(Yes, I'm being homerish, but you can't deny the "Another one by Orpik!")




  1. THE MOST series changing shift was Kronwall breaking Malones nose (open ice hit). The PENS went scoreless for 6 periods after that hit. Hard for me to find anything in the playoffs (when it mattered) that was more series changing.

  2. That was a sweet shift


    heres mine a lil hint Oduya's parting of the sea vs carolina

  4. No question.

    Willie Mitchell's shift in Dallas. The one where he took a shot of the ankle and nose and stayed on the ice bleeding.

  5. Please excuse my homerness.

    Zetterberg's defensive play on the 5-on-3 against Pittsburgh in Game 4.

  6. This year, not sure which one, but Lidstrom definitely had the best shift.  He can dominate a game, and most people watching won't even notice him.   Forget Yzerman and Zetterburg - Lidstrom is the one constant force in the Wings last 10 years and the reason they have had the success they have.   Nick was as perfect this season as usual too.

    All time...probably Bobby Orr's flying goal

  7. It was a GREAT shift...question...was his last hit not a boarding? I think everyone was so caught up in what a fantastic shift he was having...that they overlooked the last hit. Might have been boarderline boarding?

  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

    great, i was just gonna go look for that one

    how can this not be included, well they scored so maybe not

    o and the ukrainian freight train vishnevski

  9. I agree with you, Orpik was unbelievable!!!!

    Also, when Gonchar was injured during Game 5 when he came back out for the powerplay, and assisted on Sykora's game winner, was outstanding.

  10. even though this wasnt this year this was the definition of BOOM

    this is from this year

    edit-dirty hit from teemu. he left his feet.
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