
Best deodorant to use...?

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is it better in a spray or like a stick???

any in particular????




  1. i say spray, because the stick tends to block the pores..


  2. Even if you are a woman, I would advise you to use man deoderant. Even if it smells manish, it works the best and you can just spray a sports body spray to cover up the masculine smell. Anykind with anti-perspirent will work. Good Luck.

  3. in a spray, if u are a girl go for *precious* and if u are a guy go for *observe*. note observe are also good for girls. try em and u will love em.

  4. I discovered this antiperspirant a couple years ago and LOVE it.  It's comes in a roll on deodorant bottle (it's like a water consistently), put it on at night, and then you won't sweat at all or very little!  It's not something you use every day.  And the bottle last months.  

    This stuff is awesome and comes in lots of brands and can be found at just about any drug store by the deodorants, usually in a box.  I use to sweat a lot but the totally stops it.  Last around 4 days I think then you put it on again and you're good for another 4 days.  you don't have to wear deodorant at all after putting this stuff on but I did anyway just out of habit.  But no more sweat stains on my clothes, no more wet underarms.  :)  I don't know why this doesn't' replace deodorant all together.  

    Here's a link with a cheap brand you can even buy it online.

    Hope this helps!

  5. stics are better. In the locker room, if u use the spray kind, my track coach gets pretty pissed at us, so i wuld go with stic

  6. rexona crystal, spray, but roll on is ok too

  7. Degree or Adidas stick

  8. I prefer stick, but I haven't tried spray yet.

  9. stick is best

    spray is a no no, they give you this white sticky hard foam thing under your arms..very irritating

    stick is the way to go

    and try the companies secret and dove.

    really nice!

  10. Stick...

  11. Teen Spirit is awesome... it's a stick and works quite well.

    Also try Degree for women (if you're a woman?) and "Little black dress approved"

    They work and have great scents.

  12. spray works the best for me however i have only tried like 3 or 4 times

  13. Dry Stick.

    dont get the gel!

  14. i think stick.

    the ones from fruit & passion are awesome.

    spray is to toxin.

    hope this helps.

  15. stick

  16. Axe deoderent is pretty good, it is the deoderant with the blue gel stick

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