
Best education caribbean?

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which caribbean country offers the best high school/university education?




  1. The best university education is located in Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados, and Puerto Rico (spanish).

    The best high school education is located in Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, and Puerto Rico (spanish)

  2. Majority of islands all have some good private schools, especially if there are wealthy foreigners living in that area.

    Best Public Schools: I wouls Say Puerto Rico & the US Virgin Islands. But PR public schools are mostly taught in spanish & english secondary. But the private shools are usually all english. I lived in PR. The schools are decent because it is run by US standards. Also I would assume the British Virgin Islands & other islands owned by better off countries (like the UK) would have good public schools too. I would stay away from Haiti & DR & Jamaica unless you can afford a good private school. Goodluck!

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