
Best fishing spots in Montreal???

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I need to know some new fishing spots in MONTREAL QUEBEC




  1. Lake St-Jean is pretty good.

  2. There is no good fishing spot in Montreal , you are far much better going near Mont Tremblant area . Have a nice day

  3. Within the City of Montreal, you mean?


    If you feel up to it, you can always try Beaver Lake though, lol!

    No seriously, I'd venture further north to the Laurentians region if I were you.

    Good luck with your fishing!

  4. No one has an idea that Montreal is an ISLAND   :)

    For the quality of water, maybe it gets more pollution than in other kind of lakes, but many, many people fish in Champlain lake, Ontario lake, etc.  and they don't care much about it, so I'd guess that Montreal not so bad as water is less polluted there than near US (where phosphates permitted level is much higher than in Quebec) and Ontario cars plants...

    Those last year, il improved a lot and some people do a happening every year inviting everyone to join their group in bathing in the St-Lawrence :)  In fact, people actually swim on Montreal island and around in many places : Cap-St-Jacques, Oka, etc.

    So go fish and see by yourself :)  Those maps will help you find spots :

  5. If you want to go fishing, I suggest not fishing in Montreal, unless you want to eat radio active mutant fish ;). You can try going a little further north in the Laurentide region. They have great resorts made especially for that.

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