
Best food to feed betta before breeding?

by Guest65206  |  earlier

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What foods and how much should i feed my bettas before breeding? How long do i have to condition them? And how do i know the female is ready to mate? Please help!

I also need to know what kind of betta to breed to start out with. I was thinking crowntail! I have been doing LOADS of reasearch but i woud like some suggestions! THANKS!




  1. I find conditioning them with live food like mosquito larvae works best in getting them conditioned for breeding. Typically yoo will need them to condition them for a week or two. You can tell if the female is ready when she supports vertical bars on her sides and her belly is rounded.

    As for what type of betta, i would suggest that you styart out with veiltails, and work your way to the fancier varieties as you gain experience.

    Good Luck!!

  2. Feed your bettas high protein foods.  Live is best, but frozen will do and in a real pinch, even freeze dried works.  Some good ones are bloodworms, brine shrimp, tubifex worms, microworms, earthworms and fruit flies.  Make sure you start a culture of some small live food for the fry before they hatch, too.  You need to condition them for several days to a week.  The female should be swollen with eggs and showing her egg tube as well as vertical breeding stripes.  She should be swimming with her head down in submission to the male when he's near her tank.  The male should have built a nice big bubblenest.

    Please breed halfmoon bettas!  They are the prettiest!  ;)

    Crowntails are good, too, I suppose.  :p

  3. Thank you for not breeding MORE veiltails. They had their day but we are on to bigger and better things now! there are so many! I wish more people would stop breeding them, maybe i'd finally see a HalfMoon in a store near me

    Please checkout this website and read it all: All my attempts to breed betta fish failed until I read this site entirely: she really knows her stuff!

  4. For about 2 weeks before breeding, you should feed both the male and female a high-quality pellet food - these include Hikari Bio-Gold (readily available at most pet stores) or Atison's Betta PRO (your pet store may carry it, but I know I have to order it fro the internet).

    You should also feed them freeze-dried or frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. Let them see each other for 10-15 minutes a day. It's hard to tell when the female is ready to mate..sometimes she won't show any signs at all. However, if you have a dark-colored female, she will display vertical bars along her body. Your female also may hold her fins clamped, and tilt her head and body downward (showing submission to the male).

    I don't know if you should start with crowntails...they're notorious for being aggressive in the spawning tank. If you want to try it, though, go for it. Other options are Veiltails, Halfmoons, Double Tails, and Plakats. Veiltails are definitely the hardest to rehome, as the market is so saturated with them. However, in the end, it depends on what's readily available to you and your own personal preferences.

    You can find out more about breeding and the different tail types from the sites I've included.

    Good luck!

  5. any thing live or freeze dried is great, feed them twice a day 4 a week.

    You will know when the female is ready if she has verticle stripes, and will be swimming with her head down.

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