
Best foods for pitch-in reception?

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We're having a casual wedding reception for about 15 people. To save money, we're providing a main course and beverages, and asking everyone to bring a side dish. I don't want to hear it's tacky, we're all family, and it works for us. What are some good ideas for a main course, easy to transport, keep at the right temperature, and won't wind up all over my wedding dress? Ideas for what people can bring, same concept? I appreciate serious answers only. Thanks!




  1. If you'd like to serve hot food consider renting a food cambro from a party rental place. They'll keep your food hot and at food safe temperatures for a couple of hours. Then pick things that can be made ahead of time and heated or reheated. Pot roast with veggies for a late fall or winter wedding. Lasagna or stuffed chicken b*****s. A cool main dish might be a hearty pasta salad or hot pasta dish . Stick to shapes like bowties rather than spaghetti that can get messy or gemellis that roll around and sometimes off your plate. Green salads and rolls are nice traditonal reception food offerings. Match any food that has to be cooked or heated to the amount of oven space and burners avaliable. Veggie platters and cut up fruit and/or strawberries are also easy sides.

  2. Since It's summertime I would keep the food light and casual.

    Make a few batches of fried chicken for the main food because it's good hot or cold and some veggie wraps for the non-meat eaters.

    People can bring pasta salad, rice pilaf, green salad, breads, corn salad, chips n dip, fruit salad..

    Congratulations and the best of luck to you =)

  3. I had thick baked pork chops & potato salad last night... it sure was good!

    add some baked beans, tossed salad & fries... everybody should be happy.

  4. My take would be to stay on the dry types menu to avoid the mess - at least for you. I suggest though that you have some kind of "theme" so that everyone will bring complementing dishes like "Fiesta Food" or "grill chill" or "basta pasta" etc.,

    That way, you and everyone else don't just bring anything like you have  pancit bijon, another has pancit malabon and yet another has palabok - unless its a pancit party!

    In a recent such gathering, our gimmick was "green sea" - meaning greens (like vegetables and salads) or seafoods. I was with the 'green team' and was assigned to bring the leaves and the crutons for salad. Others brought the dressings and the cold cuts. Everyone liked how I kept the lettuce fresh and crisp. I just stuffed them lightly in several plastic bags and punched some little holes and stacked them in between lines of newspaper (learned it in La Trinidad Valley).

    It was fun!

  5. steak chicken and maby a salad

  6. I attended  a wedding & reception (held near a lake) similar to what you are describing. For the main course of food they served sliced ham steaks & buffalo wings. Family & friends brought chicken & tuna salad sandwiches cut in halves, salad bar, cheese trays, fruit cut up & served from a watermelon half, pasta salads, potato salad & cole slaw.

  7. italian is always an easy way to go! big pans of lasagna, rolls, salad, maybe some roasted veggies, and then people could bring some small apps like a cheese, fruit, and veggie tray.

    Or maybe you could do some sort of roast, with smashed sweet potatoes, asparagus, and a citrus salad

    also you could go a little mexican and set up a taco or chili bar, fajitas, or enchiladas, serve with rice and beans and chips and salsa and margartas!

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