
Best foods to feed lizards???

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Best foods to feed lizards???




  1. Depends on what kinda lizards, some eat crickets, some eat veggies, idk, need more info

  2. i give my crested gecko peach baby food with vitamins added to it and crickets once a month after i have cleaned his cage.

  3. hmmmm,

    call a local pet store and ask them.

    they have lots of experience.

  4. this is a question that comes up often and it is normally asked by people who are new to the idea of keeping lizards so i would sugesst u do research (books the net) on gerneal reptile keeping

    food depends on species often its bugs like crickets mealworms locusts etc but it really does depend heavily on species what they can be fed and what is the "best food"

  5. crickets... then mealworms

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