
Best freeware for accessing your computer remotely?

by  |  earlier

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What freeware (not shareware) program do you recommend? I'm looking for one that's fairly intuitive and easy to set up. I've seen quite a few on the internet but I prefer not to download a bunch of them just to find one good one. Any recommendations?





  1. Are you a windows user?  If so, check out and sign up if you like it.

    It's a small client you load on your machine and you can sync files between all PC's within your "mesh" that have the client installed or just access them via the web interface from a PC without the client installed.

    You can use Remote Desktop Connect (RDC) to connect in to any of those machines when ever you want.  Pretty smooth and easy to use.  You can initiate a RDC connection via the client on your machine to another machine with the client or you can use the website to initiate a connection to a PC within your Mesh with the client.

  2. If you have Windows XP Pro you can use something called Remote Desktop which will enable you to access other PC from anywhere.

    Heres a brief tutorial on the subject(

    There is also something called LogMeIn which I see used alot.  That can be downloaded from(


  4. I've tried many ways.  If you have Remote Desktop Connection (XP Pro for the server), it's about the best.

    If not, any of the VNC programs will work, but RDC has always worked faster for me.

    I've tried logmein and other web-based solutions - I prefer a VNC or RDC.

    For either one, you'll have to forward a port to the computer you're connecting *to* if it's behind a router.

    RDC is part of Windows, so it's free.  VNCs are mainly open source, so they're free too.  UltraVNC and TightVNC seem to be about the best.  (RDC and VNC programs are pretty intuitive - just follow the directions.  RDC directions are in the help file you get by pressing F1 on the desktop.)

  5. VNC

  6. Go to this site listed below. They offer online computer support for any system. They also offer software releases and serial numbers. Click the Live Help Button on the left.

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