
Best friend's daughter is teased for her crooked teeth . . .?

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She's 9 years old and in the third grade. She' s very cute and smart, but she has crooked teeth, and buck teeth in the front.

Kids are very mean to her, calling her "bucky beaver" and other names. She's way too young for braces. Is there anything at all that can be done for this child?

She shouldn't have to endure 4 more years of taunting . . .it could ruin her childhood. Telling her to "ignore it" doesn't change the way other children see her.




  1. Well I was her age when I got braces but I would say 11 is the right age you should ask a dentist I didnt have crooked teeth but I had an over bite, but I think that 11 would be the right age.

    Children only make fun of others because they are insecure about themselves even if they do not show it.

  2. Honestly, yes..she probably is too young for braces...what she could have done she could go to the dentist or orthodontist and have her front teeth filed down a little bit. Basically, they would become smoother and shorter...she would no longer be called names because of her buck teeth. Also, her teeth would look more flushed...and less crooked. its worth a try.

  3. well let her know in gods eyes everyone is beautiful

  4. I had the WORST teeth ever! I have very very large front teeth. My ortho said bout the largest he's ever seen. But my left front tooth was almost completely sticking out straight and sideways, while my right large tooth was perfect. My k-9 or eye teeth were almost at the top of my gum line, looked like a vampire, and my bottom teeth were the same way, except the teeth are very small. i didnt get braces untill i was a senior in high school! I had to go my whole child hood with a messed up mouth! I have heard ALL the names, snaggle tooth, wilda beast, bucky, crooks, ugly grill, ugly (in general) But it wasnt so bad in junior high and high school, but i still to this day have very low self esteem because of the tormenting. in 27 now. But it gets easier, i mean there are still kids that are going to poke fun, and kids just have to learn how to deal with it as long as the family and real friends are giving them 100% support.

    I dont think 9 is too young for braces. Ive seen kids as young as 6 have them. Maybe even a retainer might help. Just tell her to hang in there and give her all the love and support you can give. that was the only thing i was lacking.

  5. Maybe she should look into getting braces!

  6. I don't know why you think she is too young for braces.  I had them at  7 years old and that was 30 years ago!

    If the dentist has said that she needs to wait, then that is another story altogether.  Only an experienced orthodontist can determine if a child is the right age and every child is different.

    Also, really, if it wasn't her would be something else the kids teased her about.  Too short, too tall, too skinny, too goes on and on.  Kids make fun of everyone to make themselves feel better.  It isn't right...but it is reality.  Your time would be better spent teaching her coping skills and ways to deflect the taunts of her classmates.  Even the prettiest girls get made fun of (the girls in my daughter's class called her "miss pretty pants" because they overheard the teachers talking about how pretty she was).

  7. 9 is not too young for braces. I know a lot of 8 and 9 year olds that already have them.

  8. my bff has buck teeth and we tease each other about korky stuff she used to be sensitive about it but she grew out of it

  9. She really is not too young for braces if the problem is that severe.  She might have to have a double course of orthodontic treatment, but something could probably be done right now to reduce the overbite, at least.  It would be worth consulting with an orthodontist, just to see if there were any possible way to reduce the problem sooner rather than later.

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