
Best friend - Do we look alike? Opinions...?

by  |  earlier

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People say my best friend and I are identical (we have different coloured hair, but when we both had our natural colours they were the same also.....I have dark hair and she has the blonde hair.) I apologize if they aren't clear also.




#4) (This was about a year and a half ago..... )




  1. OMG you guys look exactly alike!!! are you sure you're not related?!

  2. OMG! your not bestfriends your twins!   you two look way more alike than me and my twin sister,  like serioulsy!  

  3. yes, you two look exactly alike, you could seriously be identical twins!

  4. she's your twin right?

  5. WOW ! You look like twins!

    It's true, besides your hair color you look almost exactly the same! And in the last picture you look identical! You're both really pretty, too.

    That's so cool!

  6. what??? she has to be your twin you look the exact same!

  7. Wow. You two really look alike. lols.  

  8. you guys especially look like twins in the last picture. But in the others the only difference is hair color.

  9. wow the only difference btw you two is haircolor

  10. YEAH you guys sooo doo!!!

    Ahahaha, thats f\unny its really true

  11. wow........................................ 2 look the same....................specialy with the same outfit and the same dog...................^^

  12. You do look alike, in my opinion.

  13. yeah alot especially in the last pic

  14. yep

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