
Best friend and i want to stick together. Plaese help?

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My best friend and i are very tight.

i am afraid that we may get put in separate classes.and i may be moving next year to i have to say goodbye to brooklyn and my friend/ what should i do?





  2. you should look at this as a chance to make more friends and you still can stay incontact with your old friends either online of cell.

  3. my best friend had to move but we still keep in contact and we still meet up every so often and we still strong if we can do it y cant you

  4. well atleast you wont be that far away from them.  just take the subway and go over and hangout every once in a while.

  5. Hey

    This must be hard for yah, but don't worry, good friends will never forget each other, even if you do move, just make sure you have each others contact details, and don't loose touch.  If you don't have msn, then you should get it, it's also a good way to keep in touch! :)

    Well for me, at my school, if I'm not happy with my class, I would be able to move to another, if you do get split up, then try talking to the head mistress/master, the teacher, and your parents about switching classes.  I'm sure you would be allowed!

    Good Luck!

    Jade x

  6. well me and one of my best friends had to move away from each other . we live 6 hours apart . but we stay on the phone and myspace txtn and all that and we make trips every chance we get to see each other. So you never have to say goodbye bcuz as long as yal maintain that closeness yal friendship will be good and you probably will make a new bff but you can have more than 1.. i kno i do

  7. run away from home and life in a tree that way you can see your friends every day

  8. no never say goodbye to a best friend. just always keep in touch and always go to eachother, shop do whatever you do that makes you both happy , then u wont get seperated

  9. email, txt, myspace, aim, call, skype, msn, yahoo, getting the idea???

  10. Moving on and making it by yourself is important sometimes. I'm not saying its the end for you and your friend because its possible to stay friends even when moving away. One of my closest friends lives 7 hours away from me but we have been friends for years.

    Look at it as an opportunity rather than a loss. You are and best friends friendship may become better with the pressure of living away from each other and this way you can meet new people too.  

  11. Even if you do move, you can always visit during long weekends and holidays.  If you don't have myspace, I suggest you get it.  I know it's not the same, but it works.  Also try a webcam.  Yeah, you may get into separate classes, but you can still get into clubs or sports together.  I hope I helped!

  12. .......idk

  13. stay in touch always

  14. part of growing up is moving on and being seperated from your friends stay in touch and you'll be fine  

  15. its part of growin up and ur just goin to have to get used to it unfortunately. besides, ur just movin to another part of new york. i havent been to new york in a while but its no more than a few towns in between right

  16. No you don't have to say goodbye! Sure you might be miles away, but if you BOTH put forth the effort to keep each other in your lives, you'll make it. It could be tough, but just remember to keep in touch. I guess on the plus side, think how fun it will be when one of you gets to go visit the other. Best of luck to you and your bff.

  17. i have been in your spot many times believe me<3

    and the best advice is to talk online as much as possible, (aim/myspace) call each other as often as you can to catch up on anything new happening, and to set up dates when you can maybe take a trip to one anothers houses.

    Thats what me and my friend do and as a matter of fact we're closer then we've ever been!(:

    so goodluck hun(:

  18. talk online.

    I don't know how far Queens&Brooklyn is, but if you do happen to move, during breaks, plan out a way for you two to see each other.

    One of my best friends goes to a different high school.

    We talk online everyday&try to organize days when we can hang out. =D

  19. I live in Queens. Maybe you can visit them during the weekends.

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