
Best friend boning infront of me?

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Went out on a double date, my best friend and our two boyfriends, we went on a mountain -my bf has a truck, her bf has a we parked and within minutes she's half naked and he really isn't- just has pants down..they're boning in the car and my bf and i were speechless...they dindn't even bother to park far or something, and she din't even have the decency to cover up- she was sitting on him so we could see everything.

they could have been more private about it. I don't want to call her- cause now she just dumped him. i know she's been known to be S****y that's what people tell me but now i believe them. what should i do- i don't think i really wanna hang out with her anymore.




  1. Fine, don't talk to her anymore.

    Can I have her number?

  2. Wow, how old are you two 15....well I did something like this in front of my friend  (I went down on a guy) so I don't know if there is exactly a difference. This was like 2 weeks ago (not trying to brag cuz it was really stupid of me and no I wasn't intoxicated).

    Just tell her straight up that she's nasty and to lose your number. You are the company you keep. Remember that.

  3. I have known my best friends to do some S****y things. But if she is your best friend, you should love her no matter what,

    But you should definetly talk to her about that, because that is not something normal to do, and she probably knows that as well.

    But regardless of what she did, true best friends are supposed to be there for each other no matter what.

  4. I wouldnt worry about it too much as long as u didnt do it then you can still hold your head up high

  5. Did that get you going all night?

    That's what it was intended to do.

    Grow up.

  6. rude,horrible beheavour.i would not go out with her much.she is in that phase where she needs to proove she is cool,s**y and fun-there are other ways...i guess from here it will be drinking etc.

    find friends who have same interests as you....

    you should have gotten out  of the car though...

  7. maybe it was just tacky and thoughtless, maybe they are into having people watch which involved you in a sexual situation without your consent.  

    if you feel the behavior was a "friendship killer", move on.  but I would talk to her first and find out what was really going on.

  8. you try to tell her what people say of her

    and as a friend remind her not to do this because its very obscene.....

    if you dun want to hang out with her.....just make up excueses

    or you can do the harsh telling her she have been very bitchy nowadays

  9. He was probably not much for conversation but made up for it in other ways.  Bring a digital camera or your camera phone next time.

  10. maybe there are insecurity reasons behind her behavior.  find out what motivates her to think that this is okay and then to break up with the guy.  maybe she feels that anyone willing to have s*x with her is not a good person - due to her insecurity.  learn more before making a decision.  good luck.

  11. You should have talked her right after the event. You can still talk to her and discuss a bit about it, but it will be more difficult to discuss about it now. I recommend to tell her why you want to stop being friends with her before you stop hanging out with her. For instance, you can invite her somewhere to talk

  12. Don't hang out with her. Being such a s**t, she might even steal your bf. I don't trust such people.

  13. So you'd avoid her forever because of this incident, even though she's your best friend?

    I mean, yes, awkward and creepy are the words that come to mind, but you can at least talk to her before all friendship ties are broken. But since you say you don't want to talk to her, then the answer is simple: don't.


    I think she'd want an explanation, and it would be good to tell her that you were uncomfortable with the situation, not to mention some of the things you've heard about her, and all-in-all, you're just not up to continue this friendship. ---But try to remember that since she's broken up with that guy, maybe there are some other things that are bothering her, and if you really are her friend you should talk to her.

  14. OMG - she's trash!  Just forget about her.

    OMG, that's so f*cking gross!

  15. Ha!  I'm assuming she's either fat, ugly, or both.  Or her daddy's sister.

    An attractive girl wouldn't be such an attention w***e, not to mention overall w***e.

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