
Best friend converted to Christian from Islam?

by  |  earlier

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This was truly the biggest shock of my life. I am muslim myself, but i confess to be "not a good muslim." This guy has been in my life since we were innocent children - about 4. Since then we have both grown up and been taught to believe in Islam. Unlike me my friend became a truly dedicated muslim, he was on one path only, and nothing could change him. He would fight against anything that people said against Islam, where i could not answer, he would pour his heart and soul into everything he believed. When we were together anywhere with other friends, and one of us committed a sin, he was the first to tell us off. He had and has a lot of muslim friends, and a lot of the parents of our muslim friends adored him, always wanted him to hang around with their sons, as they believed he would make them a "better muslim."

Well... he told me last night to come out with him around 1am in the morning as he had something important to tell me, he sounded serious, so despite of the time i went out and met him.

He asked me a few questions about my faith, personal questions, i was a little confused but answered truthfully.

A little while later he told me about converting to christianity as he believed it was right for him, and that he truly felt god as a christian, and believed that as a muslim he only had a one way relationship; "no one was on the other side of the phone".

I was shocked to the core.. he is a funny person - i took it as a joke, but i realised he was being serious, knowing him so well.

I feel happy for him, as he has found happyness but at the same time feel sad, as he is scared to talk to his parents about it as he thinks they would disown him, and he loves them with all his heart. His whole family are extremely dedicated to Islam.

And for everyone else..what would they think.. :(

I have accepted this as he is my best friend, my brother, and i would stand by him no matter what. I am not here to judge him, but to care for him.

I need help - he has only told me and a few other christians - as he goes to a bible practice every sunday.

What should i do, is this right? how should he go about telling people whom have brought him up, w/o them he would not have a home, and i'm sure it may even break him.

Sorry for going on but i had to let go of my feelings and express what i think, hard to keep such a thing inside.




  1. do you choose to make friends in same religion?? are these not two seperate things?

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