
Best friend dilemma..will he hate me?

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I have this best friend who i talk to about almost everything..except for the fact that i've kind of fallen for him..hard. I cant tell my other friends that are girls because my one friend likes him and if they knew, they would cause drama. i want to tell him so bad but im afraid that if he knew, he would hate me and i wouldnt be able to live like that. i want to at least keep him as a friend..but i really like him. i just dont know what to do. i know he most likely doesnt like me because im not really the type of girl he falls for(like the small skinny pretty ones) im the complete opposite. i just really want him to like me, but since that probably isnt the case, i dont know where to go from here.




  1. you never know what will happen....

    my best friend is a guy and we tell each other everything and we are so close and we text every single day and spend most of our time together. then, sophomore year of HS  i sort of fell for him but i was trying to keep it a secret but my girl friends found out cuz it was sorta obvious and one of them told him and he texted me and asked me if it was true and i denied it and then he said "oh thats too bad because ive liked you since the day i met you. i had the biggest crush on you all last year. will you go out with me?" and so we ended up going out. i never thought he liked me either but he really did.... so you never know.

  2. wait everything out.....sometimes friendships do blossom into more...that is how my wife and I got started.

  3. it's ok... we all have this problem! here are some tips that seem to work for me:

    look at him. when he looks back, smile and look away. do this everyday, and every day keep his gaze a little longer before looking away.

    don't try to make him jealous in any way! if you do, then he may think you're not interested in him.

    most importantly... be yourself! guys can sense changes just like girls and if you act funny, he may become shy around you.

    hope i helped... good luck!

  4. Give him a hug,

    And while you're hugging say i really like you,

    and he'll probabally say something like i really like you too,

    then say no i mean i really like you (emphasise the really, you know the way i mean).

    And if he asks in what way etc. just say you know what i mean.

    If he likes you too, he'll tell you and you can get together or whatever, if not,

    he'll tell you,

    and just be clear you still want to be best friends,

    i'm sure he'll want to be too :)


  5. Just keep him as your best friend.  It's not worth losing your friendship over. =]  Maybe when you guys have been friends for a longer amount of time he will eventually fall for you, I'm sure of it.  Just be patient.

  6. he won't hate you.

    But he might not like you back and you have to be okay with that and let him know that you dont it to end your friendship because thats more important.

  7. To answer your question;

    he wont hate you.


    && if  you really want to find out just start a conversation

    about relationships and stuff like that.

    Then ask him if he's interested in anyone.

    If he says Yes then ask him who it is.

    He's your friend so most likely he will tell you who it is.

    If he says its you then you let him know how you feel for him.


  8. telling friends you like them can cause your loss......well, just take care of him, show some concern and always be there for him..i actually did that to my husband now...i wasn't impressing him but i soon realized that i just did impress him when he started courting....


  9. I would go for it! If he doesn't like you, then just tell him you wanted to try. But if you decide to date, just keep in mind if you break up the friendship is likely to go down the tubes if one of you broke up with the other. If doesn't totally fail though, you just won't be as close. Trust me, I've been through it!

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